The publishers thought it wouldn't look very good in gray scale print. The story that goes with it is still there in Chapter 2, Assume Breach.
The concept of Assume Breach has been with us for over twenty years and I've been blogging here about it since 2008.
Assume Breach simply means don't count on our security defenses to keep the bad guys out. This picture is of the wall of a supposedly impregnable fortress after it went up against it's first real challenge against new technology.
Quinn Norton also coined a great corollary, called Norton's Law, which states that all data, over time, approaches deleted, or public.
In the book, the assume breach concept forms the foundation of a security program. What does this mean for defenders? It means that if you're going to be breached, you need to know what can be sacrificed and what must be protected at all costs. That implies you understand your organization, it's data flows, and what is truly important for survival. It also means you need to have a clear idea of the threats and vulnerabilities facing you. Lastly, assume breach means being prepared to adequately respond to incidents, survive them, and grow stronger because it.
It's the opposite of common rookie thinking “That’ll never happen in a million years!” or "why would anyone do that?" and instead think "When the inevitable happens, what will the damage look like and how will we react?" Assume breach forces you to focus on what matters and prioritize accordingly. Not a bad way to build a security program.
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