Monday, May 28, 2018

Helpnet Security: The ethical and legal dilemmas of threat researchers

Helpnet Security: The ethical and legal dilemmas of threat researcher

Threat intelligence is mainstreaming into a de-facto everyday tool of cyber-defense. But all that intelligence must be collected, analyzed, and prepared by someone. Enter threat researchers, the advanced scouts of cybersecurity. They are becoming more numerous and conspicuous as more intelligence on illicit hacker activity is demanded. Threat researchers trawl through the dark web, pick apart malware, reverse engineer exploits, track outbreaks across the Internet, and set up honeypots to surveil attacker activity.

Read the rest at Helpnet Security

Thursday, May 10, 2018

F5 Labs - Extend Your Security Program’s Influence with Adjuvants

This article looks at how you can leverage the non-security members of your organization to increase Security’s reach and impact.

Extend Your Security Program’s Influence with Adjuvants

F5 Labs - How Secure Are Your Third-Party Web Apps?

Essential apps are holding essential data, and they’re out of direct oversight. Obviously, it’s not enough to just trust that things are going to be fine...

How Secure Are Your Third-Party Web Apps?

F5 Labs - Breach Costs Are Rising with the Prevalence of Lawsuits

We believe organizations are drastically under estimating their true breach costs...
F5 Labs - Breach Costs Are Rising with the Prevalence of Lawsuits